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Update to Skills Assessing Authorities – Subclass 189, 190, 485 and 491 Visas

Do you need a skills assessment done for your subclass 189, 190, 485 or 491 visa application? Take heed that there have been several changes to the skills assessing authorities (SAA) for certain occupations on the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List, Short-Term Skilled Occupation List and Regional Occupation List! These amendments commenced on 6 May 2022 and were introduced by legislative instrument LIN 22/053.

Who is affected?

People who apply for subclasses 189, 190, 485 and 491 visas on or after 6 May 2022.

Ok I’m in that group, so what changed?

Some SAAs were substituted or had name changes, meaning that you will need to get a skills assessment from the new relevant SAA. Your skills assessment can be accepted even if you lodged it or had it completed by the new SAA before 6 May 2022 (and if it has not expired).

What was the biggest change?

If you are seeking a skills assessment as an Information and Organisation Professional (Not Elsewhere Classified) (ANZSCO code 224999) other than a Data Scientist, the SAA still is VETASSESS. However, if you are an Information and Organisation Professional (Not Elsewhere Classified) who is a Data Scientist, the new SAA is the Australian Computer Society.

Which SAAs changed their names?

The following SAAs underwent rebranding and are the same entity. Australian Institute of Management is now known as Institute of Managers and Leaders Limited. Australian Institute of Medical Scientists is now known as Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists.

What if I had a skills assessment done by an old SAA?

Your skills assessment will still be accepted if it was lodged with or completed by the old SAA before 6 May 2022. For example, you can still use your skills assessment if it came from the old SAAs in the table below (and if it has not expired). This table also summarises which occupations have been affected by LIN 22/053.

I understand, so how can I fulfill my dream of getting permanent residency?

We will be more than happy to assist you! Just get in touch with our friendly team via our website. Once you do that, sit back and relax as we guide you through the entire process of applying for the relevant visas!

I like reading, so what are the details of the legislative instrument?

The new legislative instrument referred to above is the Migration (Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities) Amendment Instrument (LIN 22/053) 2022 (F2022L00678). It amends Migration (LIN 19/051: Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities) Instrument 2019 (F2019C00855) to the effect of updating the SAAs for the relevant visas mentioned above.

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