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Removal of Skills Assessments for 485 Visa Graduate Work Stream

Are you thinking of applying for the Graduate Work stream of the Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa? Life just got slightly easier for you as the Australian government has committed to the streamlining of application requirements! The changes announced commence from 1 July 2022 and have been introduced via legislative instrument number F2022L00822.

Sounds exciting! What changes have been made?

New applicants do not need to nominate an occupation from the skilled occupation list. This means that a skills assessment would no longer be required. This opens up the Graduate Work stream to a wide range of qualifications that previously were ineligible for the 485 visa.

Is there anything else I should note?

The removal of the skills assessment requirement is only a temporary concession until 30 June 2023, unless the Australian government extends that date. Further, the Australian study requirement of at least 92 weeks over a minimum of 16 calendar months still applies.

I understand, so how can I fulfill my dream of staying in Australia?

We will be more than happy to assist you! Just get in touch with our friendly team via our website. Once you do that, sit back and relax as we guide you through the entire process of applying for the relevant visas!

I like reading, so what are the details of the legislative instrument?

The new legislative instrument referred to above is the Migration Amendment (Occupation Nomination and Skills Assessment for Subclass 485 Visas) Regulations 2022 (F2022L00822). It amends Migration Regulations 1994(F2022C00520) to the effect of removing the provisional skills assessment requirement as described above.

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